Sunday, July 14, 2024

Hollywood Sessions HS-042

     I got the covers & labels of another song-poem album saved up, and here it is. You may recognize some of these songs.

Dick Kent, as "Buddy Raye", takes over the whole 1st side.
Love Is a Treasure - Buddy Raye Download
Say That You Love Me - Buddy Raye Download
Two Happy People - Buddy Raye Download
It Only Lasts for a While - Buddy Raye Download
Sentimental Music - Buddy Raye Download
You've Got Me Talking to Myself - Buddy Raye Download
The Ideal Gal - Buddy Raye Download
Snowflakes Are Falling - Buddy Raye Download

Sweet Dreams - Michelle Wood Download
I Am Water - Michelle Wood Download
You Hurt Me - Michelle Wood Download
The backing track here uses a different arrangement of the Halmark song "Life Is a Flame", along with many other Halmark songs. Hear this one on this post from Bob Purse's "The Wonderful and the Obscure".
Wait a minute... "I'm in the mood for sin"?!
The Play of Life - Michelle Wood Download
Lady Snow - Buddy Raye Download
Samuel Jackson - Buddy Raye Download
I Am Sure, My Love - Buddy Raye Download
The Family Circle - Buddy Raye Download

1 comment:

  1. "I Am Water" is a good 'un. "The Ideal Gal" is an ideal song.
